Monday, February 28, 2011

Snow Shoeing in RMNP

I love being in Rocky Mountain National Park. Well, I love being there when no one else is there. Sometimes the summer can be a bit crazy around holiday weekends but during the winter there a far fewer people there to sightsee and do outdoor activities.

I was free for the day Saturday so I headed up to Estes Park with some friends for a snow shoeing adventure. A recent storm had just dumped close to two feet of snow and we were excited to blaze a new trail. The fresh powder was perfect! I mean I have not seen snow like this up there all winter. The trail was still well packed but a inch off the trail and you where instantly up to your hip in snow. When we got as far as we could go on our adventure we noticed two skiers coming down the steep mountain slope. They were waist deep in snow and just having a blast.

On our way up the mountain we stopped to take off some layers and these little birds came out of the woods and started flying all around us and right up into our faces. They must be fed during the summer and are clearly no longer afraid of humans. We decided to have a little fun with them since we'd never seen anything like it. While taking the above picture of Tom another bird landed on the lens of my camera and hung out while I was snapping away.  It even stayed there while I lowered the camera to take a look.

Every time I go into the park I always see something new and interest.  It's great having this in my backyard and it only makes me want to explore the other wild places near by.

Monday, February 21, 2011

A little railroad break

The Union Pacific Railroad is in Fort Collins five days a week. Mainly they bring beer making supplies to the Budweiser plant. Once in a while they pass through town and cross the Poudre river on the way to a cement plant just outside the city limits. This old wooden trestle still holds strong as these big heavy trains cross the river.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So, I applied for a job today that called for the person to have MacGyver like resourcefulness.  I drafted a crafty cover letter that hinted at my teenage bromance with said MacGyver but did not give away my total obsession with the man that can do almost anything with a Swiss Army knife and a roll of duct tape.

After doing a little research to make sure all my MacGyver facts were still accurate, I noticed that a MacGyver movie will be coming out sometime in 2013.  Oh YES!  I just hope they pick someone good to play MacGyver.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Super Bowl Weekend

Yep, I know it's coming up quickly. This year is not going to have the usual gathering of friends and food that we've been able to enjoy the last few years but we'll still be having some fun and great food. While my brother in law and sister in law are off having a much needed vacation to celebrate their upcoming family addition, K and I will be watching our little niece. She's super cute, crazy about balls and not afraid to let you know she wants to go out and play some more. If she's lucky she might even get some extra treats, but don't tell her parents that.

I can't wait!